Reviews, Spring 2018, Vol. 37, No. 1

Women’s Poetry and Poetics in Late Imperial China: A Dialogic Engagement, by Haihong Yang, 195-196
Elena Suet-Ying Chiu

Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France: Three Women’s Stories, by Marguerite d’Auge, Renée Burlamacchi, and Jeanne du Laurens, translated from French by Nicholas van Handel and Collette H. Winn, 197-199
Jane Couchman

Women’s Prophetic Writings in Seventeenth-Century Britain, by Carme Font,  199-201
Claire McGann

Questioning Nature: British Women’s Scientific Writing and Literary Originality, 1750-1830, by Melissa Bailes, 201-203
Lauren Cameron

Byronic Heroes in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Writing and Screen Adaptation, by Sarah Wootton, 203-206
Cheryl A. Wilson

Sympathy, Madness, and Crime: How Four Nineteenth-Century Journalists Made the Newspaper Business, by Karen Roggenkamp. Women, Work and the Victorian Periodical: Living by the Press, by Marianne Van Remoortel, 206-210
Jennifer Phegley

At Home in the World: Women Writers and Public Life, from Austen to the Present, by Maria DiBattista and Deborah Epstein Nord. Extreme Domesticity: A View from the Margins, by Susan Fraiman, 211-214
Margaret Homans

British Boarding Houses in Interwar Women’s Literature: Alternative Domestic Spaces, by Terri Mullholland, 215-217
Bryony Randall

Off to the Pictures: Cinema-Going, Women’s Writing and Movie Culture in Interwar Britain, by Lisa Stead, 217-220
Laurel Harris

Women Lovers, or The Third Woman, by Natalie Clifford Barney, translated from French by Chelsea Ray, 220-222
Lowry Martin, II

The Subversive Art of Zelda Fitzgerald, by Deborah Pike, 223-225
Christine Grogan

Love and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison’s Later Novels, by Jean Wyatt, 225-228
Evelyn Jaffe Schreiber

The Fiction of Valerie Martin: An Introduction, by Veronica Makowsky, 228-230
Nancy Schoenberger

Latin American Women and the Literature of Madness: Narratives at the Crossroads of Gender, Politics, and the Mind , by Elvira Sánchez-Blake and Laura Kanost. Intersections of Harm: Narratives of Latina Deviance and Defiance, by Laura Halperin, 230-233
María Rosa Olivera-Williams

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