Reviews, Fall 2017. Vol. 36, No. 2

Black Girlhood in the Nineteenth Century, by Nazera Sadiq Wright, 477-478
Shelby L. Crosby

Truth of My Songs: Poems of the Trobairitz, translated from Provençal by Claudia Keelan, 479-481
Sarah White

Women Writing the English Republic, 1625-1681, by Katharine Gillespie,  482-484
David Norbrook

Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Worldly Realism, by Pam Morris, 484-486
Elsie B. Michie

The Political Poetess: Victorian Femininity, Race, and the Legacy of Separate Spheres, by Tricia Lootens, 486-489
Julia Hansen

E. Œ. Somerville and Martin Ross: Female Authorship and Literary Collaboration, by Anne Jamison, 490-492
Holly A. Laird

Style and the Single Girl: How Modern Women Re-Dressed the Novel, 1922-1977, by Hope Howell Hodgkins, 493-495
Jessica Burstein

Lesbian Modernism: Censorship, Sexuality and Genre Fiction, by Elizabeth English, 495-499
Jodie Medd

The Astral H. D.: Occult and Religious Sources and Contexts for H. D.’s Poetry and Prose, by Matte Robinson, 499-501
Victoria Papa

Being Ugly: Southern Women Writers and Social Rebellion, by Monica Carol Miller, 501-503
Laura Patterson

Our Emily Dickinsons: American Women Poets and the Intimacies of Difference, by Vivian R. Pollak, 503-505
Linda Anderson

Women’s Experimental Writing: Negative Aesthetics and Feminist Critique, by Ellen E. Berry, 505-509
Laura Hinton

Veiled Figures: Women, Modernity, and the Spectres of Orientalism, by Teresa Heffernan, 509-512
Roberta Micallef

Women Writers of Gabon: Literature and Herstory, by Cheryl Toman, 512-514
Gladys M. Francis

The Cultural Politics of Chick Lit: Popular Fiction, Postfeminism, and Representation, by Heike Mißler, 514-516
Stephanie Harzewski

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