An Arab Woman Poet as a Crossover Artist? Reconsidering the Ambivalent Legacy of Al-Khansaʾ, 15-36 [abstract]
Michelle Hartman
Anne Finch, Restoration Playwright, 37-56 [abstract]
Diana Solomon
A Creole Contagion: Narratives of Slavery and Tainted Wealth in Millenium Hall, 57-70 [abstract],
Nicolle Jordan
Writing the Eighteenth-Century Household: Leapor, Austen, and the Old Feudal Spirits, 71-91 [abstract],
Elizabeth Veisz
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Dog Days, 93-115 [abstract]
Kevin A. Morrison
“This posthumous life of mine”: Tragic Overliving in the Plays of Marina Carr, 117-139 [abstract]
Kelly A. Marsh
Casting the Bones of Willa Mae Beede: Passing and Performativity in Suzan-Lori Parks’s Getting Mother’s Body, 141-157 [abstract]
Laura Wright