Articles, Spring 1998, Vol. 17, No. 1

I Want to Be You: Envy, the Lacanian Double, and Feminist Community in Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride, 37-64
Jean Wyatt

Lesbian Romance Fiction and the Plotting of Desire: Narrative Theory, Lesbian Identity, and Reading Practice, 65-82
Suzanne Juhasz

“Would You Be Ashamed to Let Them See What You Have Written?” The Gendering of Photoplaywrights, 1913-1923, 83-99
Anne Morey

“The Flaw in the Centre”: Writing as Hymenal Rupture in Virginia Woolf’s Work, 101-121
Patricia Moran

From Faux Pas to Faut Pas, or On the Way to The Princess of Clèves, 123-144
Catherine Liu

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