Haberdasher’s Plot: The Romance of Small Trade in Frances Burney’s Fiction, 271-293 [abstract]
Chloe Wigston Smith
Feminist Fancy in the National Tale: Edgeworth, Owenson, and Sarah Isdell’s The Irish Recluse (1809), 295-323 [abstract]
Colleen Taylor
The Wild Work of Gender Play in the Journals of Abby Williams Hill, 325-348 [abstract]
Tiffany Aldrich MacBain
Cultivating Childishness: The Gertrude Stein First Reader and the Reparative Turn in Criticism, 349-375 [abstract]
Julie Taylor
Not With the Program: Sandra Cisneros on Feeling and Being a Latina Writer in the Program Era, 377-396 [abstract]
Corey Hickner-Johnson
The Black Woman as Artist: The Queer Erotics of Rita Dove’s Beulah, 397-418 [abstract]
Kevin Quashie
Between Forster and Gilroy: Race and (Re)connection in Zadie Smith’s NW, 419-434 [abstract]
Jesse van Amelsvoort