Reviews, Fall 2018, Vol. 37, No. 2

A Revelation of Purgatory, translated from Middle English by Liz Herbert McAvoy, 445-446
Daniel Anlezark

Two Centuries of Manchu Women Poets: An Anthology, translated from Chinese by Wilt L. Idema, 447-449
Grace S. Fong

The Evolution of the French Courtesan Novel, by Courtney Sullivan,  450-452
Diana Holmes

Romance’s Rivals: Familiar Marriage in Victorian Fiction, by Talia Schaffer, 452-455
Christine L. Krueger

Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States, by Lori Merish, 455-457
Bill V. Mullen

The Composition of Sense in Gertrude Stein’s Landscape Writing, by Linda Voris, 458-60
Georgina Nugent-Folan

A Curious Peril: H. D.’s Late Modernist Prose, by Lara Vetter, 460-463
Eric Keenaghan

Women’s Writing in Colombia: An Alternative History, by Cherilyn Elson, 463-465
Gina Ponce de León

Spoiling the Stories: The Rise of Israeli Women’s Fiction, by Tamar Merin, 466-468
Orian Zakai

Staging Creolization: Women’s Theater and Performance from the French Caribbean, by Emily Sahakian, 468-471
Tanya L. Shields

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