The Backfisch and Stories of Female Adolescence, 295-321 [abstract]
Julie Pfeiffer
Black Girls, White Girls, American Girls: Slavery and Racialized Perspectives in Abolitionist and Neoabolitionist Children’s Literature, 323-352 [abstract]
Brigitte Fielder
Kisses, Bitches: Pretty Little Liars Frames Postfeminism’s Adolescent Girl, 353-377 [abstract]
Sarah Whitney
Material Feminism, Adolescent “Becoming,” and Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens, 379-400 [abstract]
Roberta Seelinger Trites
“We are none of us just one thing”: The Posthumanism of Rachel Hartman’s Half-Dragon Saints, 401-422 [abstract]
Carissa Turner Smith
“None of this ‘trapped-in-a-man’s-body’ bullshit”: Transgender Girls and Wrong-Body Discourse in Young Adult Fiction, 423-448 [abstract]
Jennifer Putzi