Gender and the Garden in Early Modern English Literature, by Jennifer Munroe, 375-376
Rebecca Bushnell
Acting Like a Lady: British Women Novelists and the Eighteenth-Century Theater, by Nora Nachumi, 376-378.
Jennifer L. Airey
Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain, 1750-1850, by Devoney Looser, 378-380
Lisa Vargo
Traveling Economies: American Women’s Travel Writing, by Jennifer Bernhardt Steadman, 380-382
Cheryl J. Fish
Heretical Hellenism: Women Writers, Ancient Greece, and the Victorian Popular Imagination, by Shanyn Fiske, 382-384
Catherine J. Golden
Ouida the Phenomenon: Evolving Social, Political, and Gender Concerns in Her Fiction, by Natalie Schroeder and Shari Hodges Holt, 384-386
Jane Jordan
Family Likeness: Sex, Marrige, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf, by Mary Jean Corbett, 386-389
Jill Rappoport
Transcending the New Women: Multiethnic Narratives in the Progressive Era, by Charlotte J. Rich, 389-392
Carol Farley Kessler
Transatlantic Women’s Literature, by Heidi Slettedahl Macpherson, 392-394
Kate Flint
At Home and Abroad in the Empire: British Women Write the 1930s, edited by Robin Hackett, Fedea Hauser, and Gay Wachman, 394-396
Marina MacKay
Anglo-Jewish Women Writing the Holocaust: Displaced Witnesses, by Phyllis Lassner, 396-398
Elizabeth R. Baer
Histories, Cultures, and National Identities: Women Writing Spain, 1877-1984, by Christine Arkinstall, 398-399
Catherine G. Bellver
When “I” Was Born: Women’s Autobiography in Modern China, by Jing Wang, 399-402
Hong Zeng