Articles, Spring 2015, Vol. 34, No. 1

Mary Leapor’s Verse and Genre, 19-32 [abstract]
Bill Overton

Lyric Modes: The Soliloquy Poems of Mary Leapor and Ann Yearsley, 33-50 [abstract]
William J. Christmas

Visiting the Country House: Generic Innovation in Mary Leapor’s “Crumble-Hall”, 51-64 [abstract]
Sharon Young

Monarchy, Meritocracy, and Tragic Realism in the Work of Mary Leapor, 65-87 [abstract]
Anne Chandler

The Poetics of Radical Abolitionism: Ann Yearsley’s Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave Trade, 89-105 [abstract]
Brycchan Carey

Ann Yearsley and the London Newspapers in 1787, 107-124 [abstract]
Kerri Andrews

The Place of the Poet in Place: Reading Local Culture in the Work of Mary Leapor, 125-139 [abstract]
Anne Milne

“Flying atoms in the sightless air”: Issues of Coherence and Scale in Leapor and Yearsley, 141-162 [abstract]
David Fairer