Articles, Spring 2008, Vol. 27, No. 1

“Affecting the Shade”: Attribution, Authorship, and Anonymity in An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex, 17-37 [abstract]
Johanna Devereaux

“Far Other Times Are These”: The Bluestockings in the Time of Ossian, 39-62 [abstract]
JoEllen M. DeLucia

Parroting and the Periodical: Women’s Speech, Haywood’s Parrot, and its Antecedents, 63-91 [abstract]
Manushag N. Powell

“Little Brown Girl” in a “White, White City”: Una Marson and London, 93-114 [abstract]
Anna Snaith

Jews in China and American Discourses of Identity in Pearl S. Buck’s Peony, 115-139 [abstract]
Taryn L. Okuma