Articles, Spring 2007, Vol. 26, No. 1

From a Former Editor’s Perspective: Women’s Literary History, Continued, 11-14
Shari Benstock with Suzanne Ferriss

What Difference(s) Did “She” Make? Or, My Aunt, the Dragon, 15-22
Holly A. Laird

Treason Our Text: A Preposthumous View, 23-27
Lillian S. Robinson with Douglas Michael Massing

The Personal Is Political, the Past Has Potential, and Other Thoughts on Studying Women’s Literature–Then and Now, 29-38
Frances Smith Foster

Professionalizing Feminism: What a Long, Strange Journey It Has Been, 39-51
Elizabeth Deeds Ermarth

SOFA: Toward a History of the Future, 53-60
Mary Louise Pratt

Ancient Roman Women’s Writings Sub Specie XXV Annorum, 61-65
Judith P. Hallett

Medieval Feminism in Middle English Studies: A Retrospective, 67-79
Elizabeth Robertson

Risky Business: Feminism Now and Then, 81-86
Felicity Nussbaum

Women Writers ≠ Women Novelists, 87-95
Susan Staves

Bound by Convention: Women’s Writing and the Feminine Voice in Eighteenth-Century China, 97-105
Maram Epstein

Writing Women in Early American Studies: On Canons, Feminist Critique, and the Work of Writing Women into History, 107-118
Carla Mulford

Native Women Writing: Reading Between the Lines, 119-125
Hilary E. Wyss