Articles, Spring 2000, Vol. 19, No. 1

George Egerton and the Project of British Colonialism, 27-55 [abstract]
Iveta Jusová

Disdained and Disempowered: The “Inverted” New Woman in Rhoda Broughton’s Dear Faustina, 57-79 [abstract]
Patricia Murphy

Anzia Yezierska, Immigrant Authority, and the Uses of Affect, 81-104 [abstract]
JoAnn Pavletich

Sappho’s Legacy: The Collaborative Testimony of Olga Broumas and T Begley, 105-120
Claudia Ingram

Who’s Afraid of Mala Mousi? Violence and the “Family Romance” in Anjana Appachana’s “Incantations,121-136 [abstract]
Suvir Kaul