Forum: On Collaborations: Part II
Preface, 11-18
Holly Laird
What is the Subject? Speaking, Silencing, (Self) Censorship, 19-37
Darlene Dralus and Jen Shelton
Escribiendo yo, escribiendo ella, escribiendo nosotros: On Co-Laboring, 39-49
Electra Arenal and Stacey Schlau
Writing from the Trenches: Women’s Work and Collaborative Writing, 51-57
Janice Doane and Devon Hodges
“All Concord’s Born of Contraries”: Marital Methodologies, 59-64
Linda Hutcheon and Michael Hutcheon, M. D.
“No Mine and Thine but Ours”: Finding “M. Barnard Eldershaw,” 65-75
Maryanne Dever
Of Needles and Pens and Women’s Work, 77-93
Kathryn R. King
A Fin-de-Siècle Beauty and the Beast: Configuring the Body in Works by “Graham R. Tomson” (Rosamund Marriott Watson), 95-121
Linda K. Hughes
Sarah Grand and the Critical Establishment: Art for [Wo]man’s Sake, 123-148
Marilyn Bonnell
Breaking the Bonds of Discretion: Baroness Elsa and the Female Sexual Confession, 149-166
Irene Gammel