Fetal Voices: Speaking for the Margins Within, 17-30
Susan M. Squier
The Rhetoric and Politics of Marginality: The Subject of Phillis Wheatley, 31-45
Helen M. Burke
Flush and the Literary Canon: Oh where oh where has that little dog gone?, 47-66
Pamela L. Caughie
Can Cultured Reading Read Culture? Toward a Theory of Literary Incompetence, 67-77
Russell J. Reising
The Spinster in the House of American Criticism, 79-91
Caroline Gebhard
Domesticity and Uncanny Kitsch in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and Frankenstein, 93-108
Sarah Webster Goodwin
Re-Placing the Margin: (Non)Representations of Colonialism in Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism, 109-120
Norma Claire Moruzzi
Defining Marginality?, 121-130
Jonathan Crewe