In writing your review, we ask that you avoid excessive summary and instead focus on an evaluation of the book’s argument/objectives, contextualization, research, and contribution to its field. Please evaluate the book’s scope on its own terms and not in terms of what you might have written. We would be grateful if criticisms were made diplomatically.
We ask that reviews be two to four typewritten, double-spaced pages (600-1200 words) in length.
If you are reviewing more than one book, please write approximately two pages per book.
The form for the heading should be as follows:
- CHRISTINA ROSSETTI: A DIVIDED LIFE, by Georgina Battiscombe. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1981. 253 pp. $30.00 hardback; $16.95 paperback
If there is just one edition of the book, then the material need not be mentioned. If there is an electronic version of the book, please list that price as well (e.g. “$16.99 ebook”).
For quotes from the book being reviewed, include a parenthetical page number at the end of the sentence. Please avoid citing other sources, but if need be, give complete citations, including page numbers, in an endnote. We follow The Chicago Manual of Style:
- ¹ See, for example, Edward Said, “Reflections on American ‘Left’ Literary Criticism,” in The World, the Text, and the Critic (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983), 158-77.
Our house style requires a citation for all quoted material. Please be sure your quotations are accurate; particular attention to this will be appreciated.
Your name and college/university affiliation should appear at the end of the review and should be aligned with the right margin of the page.
Please send your review as a Word document email attachment to directed to Book Review Editor. We ask that you send your review within three months. Thank you for your time and consideration in writing for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature.