Elizabeth Robertson, University of Colorado, Boulder
Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 2007), 67-79
This special edition of Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature celebrates the 25th anniversary of the journal’s publication. For this volume, articles written by past editors and eminent feminists alike were brought together under the guiding statement: What We Have Done and Where We Are Going. The volume includes both academic overviews as well as more personal recollections of authors’ own experiences as students, teachers, and scholars of women’s literature. Former editors Shari Benstock and Holly Laird each share their thoughts on the trajectory of the journal, recalling poignant moments in the history of the journal and sharing ideas concerning its future role in feminist studies. The volume also contains the last published piece by Lillian S. Robinson; writing from her hospital bed, she reminisces on the advent of the feminist canon and ponders its current issues. The various other articles in this issue address more personal reflections and commentaries on feminist topics as well as several pieces arising from a plenary panel commemorating TSWL’s Silver Jubilee at the South-Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference. The final two essays in the volume feature the Orlando Project, a feminist online database of British Women Writers.