From the Editor, [full preface]
Jennifer L. Airey
Intersections of Maternity, Eugenics, and Violence in Edith Summers Kelley’s Weeds, [abstract]
Jerrica Jordan
“I Want to Satisfy Two Kinds of Love”: Filial Piety, Mother-Daughter Bonding, and Romantic Love in Feng Yuanjun’s Short Stories, [abstract]
Lang Wang
The Aeronautical “You”: Destabilizing Boundaries in Beryl Markham’s West with the Night, [abstract]
Ann Catherine Hoag
Paths of Honey: Jonathan Son of Saul in Hebrew Women’s Queer Poetics, [abstract]
Orian Zakai
Monuments and Moral Memory: Contemporary Black Women’s Experimental Poetics of Reproductive Justice, [abstract]
Laura Vrana
Reterritorialize, Baby, [abstract]
Aaron Hammes
Rummaging in the Attic: Queer Memories and Enduring Activism in the Attic Press/Róisín Conroy Collection
Mollie Kervick
Quantitative Literary Analysis of the Works of Aphra Behn Words of Passion, by Laura L. Runge
Leah Orr
Political Affairs of the Heart: Female Travel Writers, the Sentimental Travelogue, and Revolution, 1775-1800, by Linda Van Netten Blimke
Susan Egenolf
Virginia Woolf and Nineteenth-Century Women Writers Victorian Legacies and Literary Afterlives, by Anne Reus
Margaret Homans
California Dreams and American Contradictions, by Monique McDade
Cathryn Halverson
Cather and Opera, by David McKay Powell
Sarah Young
Feminism and Modernity in Anglophone African Women’s Writing: A 21st century Global Context, by Dobrota Pucherová
Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi