The Female Baroque in Early Modern English Literary Culture: From Mary Sidney to Aphra Behn, by Gary Waller, 395-397
Elaine Hobby
The Novel Stage: Narrative Form from the Restoration to Jane Austen, by Marcie Frank, 398-400
Alexandra Bennett
Words of Her Own: Women Authors in Nineteenth-Century Bengal, by Maroona Murmu, 401-402
Tara Puri
How Women Must Write: Inventing the Russian Woman Poet, by Olga Peters Hasty, 403-405
Hilde Hoogenboom
Behind the Times: Virginia Woolf in Late-Victorian Contexts, by Mary Jean Corbett, 406-408
Jane De Gay
Templates for Authorship: American Women’s Literary Autobiography of the 1930s, by Windy Counsell Petrie, 409-411
Margaret Stetz
Nancy Cunard, Perfect Stranger, by Jane Marcus, 412-413
Jane Dowson
Eukuan nin matshi-manitu innushkueu / I Am a Damn Savage and Tanite nene etutamin nitassi? / What Have You Done to My Country?, by An Antane Kapesh, translated from French by Sarah Henzi, 414-417
Valerie Henitiuk
Misreading Anita Brookner: Aestheticism, Intertextuality, and the Queer Nineteenth Century, by Peta Mayer, 418-419
Nicola Darwood
Contemporary Women’s Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, by Susan Watkins, 419-421
Claire Curtis
Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem: A Memoir, by Hélène Cixous, translated from French by Peggy Kamuf, 422-424
Phyllis Lassner
One Left: A Novel, by Kim Soom, translated from Korean by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton, 425-427
Ji-Eun Lee