Fall 2011, Vol. 30, No. 2


From the Editor, 241-244 [full preface]
Laura M. Stevens


“Connections, which are of service … in a more advanced age”: The Lady’s Magazine , Community, and Women’s Literary Histories, 245-267 [abstract]
Jennie Batchelor

“The Character of Editress”: Marian Evans at the Westminster Review, 1851-54, 269-290 [abstract]
Fionnuala Dillane

The Anatomy of Complicity: Rebecca Harding Davis, Peterson’s Magazine, and the Civil War, 291-315 [abstract]
Sharon M. Harris

Expanding Woolf’s Gift Economy: Consumer Activity Meets Artistic Production in The Dial, 317-342 [abstract]
Amanda Sigler

Tears on Trial in the 1920s: Female Emotion and Style in Chicago and Machinal, 343-369 [abstract]
Jean Marie Lutes

A Chameleonic Character: Celebrity, Embodiment, and the Performed Self in Cornelia Otis Skinner’s Magazine Monologues, 371-392 [abstract]
Jamie Libby Boyle

From a Tarantula on a Banana Boat to a Canary in a Mine: Ms. Magazine as a Cautionary Tale in a Neoliberal Age, 393-405 [abstract]
Amy Erdman Farrell


The Mess and Muddle of Modernism: The Modernist Journals Project and Modern Periodical Studies, 407-428
Sean Latham

Review Essay

Around 1910: Periodical Culture, Women’s Writing, and Modernity, 429-439 [full essay]
Barbara Green


We Other Periodicalists, or, Why Periodical Studies?, 441-450 [full afterword]
Manushag N. Powell


Exaltadas: A Female Genealogy of Transcendentalism,, special issue of ESQ, edited by Phyllis Cole and Jana Argersinger, 451-454
Brigitte Bailey

Women Writers of the American West, 1833-1927, by Nina Baym, 454-456
Shelley S. Armitage

Domesticity and Design in American Women’s Lives and Literature: Stowe, Alcott, Cather, and Wharton Writing Home, by Caroline Chamberlin Hellman, 456-458
Randi Lynn Tanglen

Writing the Black Revolutionary Diva: Women’s Subjectivity and the Decolonizing Text, by Kimberly Nichele Brown, 458-461
Kevin Quashie

Unassimilable Feminisms: Reappraising Feminist, Womanist, and Mestiza Identity Politics, by Laura Gillman, 462-464
Megan Sibbett

Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Nation in Contemporary Chicana Narrative, by Theresa Delgadillo, 465-467
C. Alejandra Elenes

Jane Austen’s Anglicanism, by Laura Mooneyham White, 467-469
Malinda Snow

Women’s Authorship and Editorship in Victorian Culture: Sensational Strategies, by Beth Palmer, 469-472
Vicky Simpson

Radclyffe Hall: A Life in the Writing, by Richard Dellamora, 472-474
Margaret D. Stetz

Stevie Smith and Authorship, by William May, 474-475
Marina MacKay

Women’s Poetry and Popular Culture, by Marsha Bryant, 475-478
Amanda Golden

Modernist Short Fiction by Women: The Liminal in Katherine Mansfield, Dorothy Richardson, May Sinclair, and Virginia Woolf, by Claire Drewery, 478-480
Geneviève Brassard

Contemporary Women Writers Look Back: From Irony to Nostalgia, by Alice Rideout, 480-482
Nick Turner

Chick Lit and Postfeminism, by Stephanie Harzewski, 482-484
Mallory Young