A Note from the Acting Editor, 5-6
Mary O’Toole
Sarah Gardner: “Such Trumpery” or “A Lustre to Her Sex”?, 7-25
Isobel Grundy
“Plaisir et proffict” in the Reading and Writing of Marguerite de Valois, 27-48
Cathleen M. Bauschatz
Gender and Poetic Tradition: The Shaping of Charlotte Brontë’s Literary Career, 49-67
Carol A. Bock
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Her Prometheuses: Self-Will and a Woman Poet, 69-85
Alice Falk
Feminine Sensationalism, Eroticism, and Self-Assertion: M.E. Braddon and Ouida, 87-103
Natalie Schroeder
Feminist Fantasies: Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, 105-117
Jennifer Jordan
Review Essay
Reshuffling the Deck; Or, (Re)Reading Race and Gender in Black Women’s Writing, 119-132
Claudia Tate
Women Writers, series, edited by Eva Figes and Adele King, 133-138
Margaret Atwood, by Barbara Hill Rigney
Charlotte Bronte, by Pauline Nestor
Fanny Burney, by Judy Simons
Sylvia Plath, by Susan Bassnet
Christina Stead, by Diana Brydon
Mary O’Toole
Reading Woman: Essays in Feminist Criticism, by Mary Jacobus; Virginia Woolf and the Languages of Patriarchy, by Jane Marcus, 138-145
Bradford K. Mudge
The Politics of Diversity: Feminism, Marxism, and Nationalism, edited by Roberta Hamilton and Michèle Barrett; What Is Feminism? A Re-Examination, edited by Juliet Mitchell and Ann Oakley, 145-147
Lillian S. Robinson
His and Hers: Essays in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature, by Ann Messenger, 148-150
Isobel Grundy
Marianne Moore, Subversive Modernist, by Taffy Martin; Marianne Moore: The Poetry of Engagement, by Grace Schulman, 151-153
Marilyn L. Brownstein
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, by Harriet A. Jacobs, edited by Lydia Maria Child, edited and with an introduction by Jean Fagan Yellin; A Private War: Letters and Diaries of Madge Preston, 1862-1867, edited by Virginia Walcott Beauchamp, 153-155
Susan Millar Williams
Letter from Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, 159