From the Editor, 193-196
Holly Laird
Rewriting Genesis: Gender and Culture in Twentieth-Century Texts, 197-220
Christine Froula
The Sacrifice of Privacy in Sense and Sensibility, 221-237
George E. Haggerty
Texts to Grow On: Reading Women’s Romance Fiction, 239-259
Suzanne Juhasz
Theory and Space, Space and Woman, 261-282
Ruth Salvaggio
The Dream and the Dialogue: Rich’s Feminist Poetics and Gadamer’s Hermeneutics, 283-296
Alice Templeton
Isak Dinesen and the Stork: Delivering the Female Text, 297-300
Judith Rosenberg
The Singing of the Real World: The Philosophy of Virginia Woolf’s Fiction, by Mark Hussey; The Interrupted Moment: A View of Virginia Woolf’s Fiction, by Lucio P. Routolo; The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship, by Ellen Bayuk Rosenman; Virginia Woolf and the “Lust of Creation”: A Psychoanalytic Exploration, by Shirley Panken, 301-305
Panthea Reid Broughton
Reading in Detail: Aesthetics and the Feminine, by Naomi Schor, 305-307
Kate Meyers
Boundaries of the Self: Gender, Culture, Fiction, by Roberta Rubenstein, 307-310
Elizabeth R. Baer
What Fresh Hell Is This?, by Marion Meade, 310-312
Linda Simon
The Female Form: Women Writers and the Conquest of the Novel, by Rosalind Miles, 312-313
Linda Shires
The Eighteenth-Century Feminist Mind, by Alice Browne, 313-314
Linda V. Troost