From the Editor, 7-9
Holly Laird
Placing Children at the Fulcrum of Social Change: Antiracist Mothering in Tillie Olsen’s “O Yes,” 11-28
Joanne S. Frye
Creating a Symbol: The Seamstress in Victorian Literature, 29-38
Lynn M. Alexander
Homesickness in Susan Warner’s The Wide, Wide World, 39-58
Sara E. Quay
Home Fires: Doris Lessing, Colonial Architecture, and the Reproduction of Mothering, 59-89
Victoria Rosner
Economies of Experience in The Book of Jessica, 91-111
Laura J. Murray
Desiring Women Writing: English Renaissance Examples, by Jonathan Goldberg, 113-114
Teresa Feroli
Unnatural Affections: Women and Fiction in the Later 18th Century, by George E. Haggerty, 115-116
Terri Nickel
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Spiritual Progress: Face to Face with God, by Linda M. Lewis, 116-118
Joyce Zonana
Mary Ann Shadd Cary: the Black Press and Protest in the Nineteenth Century, by Jane Rhodes, 118-120
Jennifer Bernhardt Steadman
Spectacular Confessions: Autobiography, Performative Activism, and the Sites of Suffrage, 1905-1938, by Barbara Green, 120-122
Stacey Short
Through the Window, Out the Door: Women’s Narratives of Departure, From Austin and Cather to Tyler, Morrison, and Didion, by Janis P. Stout, 122-123
Heather White
Racechanges: White Skin, Black Face in American Culture, Susan Gubar, 124-125
Anne Stavney
Haiti, History, and the Gods, by Joan Dayan; Framing Silence: Revolutionary Novels by Haitian Women, by Myriam J. A. Chancy, 126-130
Kevin Meehan
The Mother and Narrative Politics in Modern China, by Sally Taylor Lieberman; Writing Women in Modern China: An Anthology of Women’s Literature From the Early Twentieth Century, edited by Amy D. Dooling and Kristina M. Torgeson, 130-134
Charles A. Laughlin