Reviews, Spring 2002, Vol. 21, No. 1

Women’s Writing of the First World War: An Anthology, edited by Angela K. Smith; The Second Battlefield: Women, Modernism, and the First World War, by Angela K. Smith, 123-128
Geneviève Brassard

Lesbian Empire: Radical Crosswriting in the Twenties, by Gay Wachman, 128-129
Robin Hackett

Feminism and Film, edited by E. Ann Kaplan, 129-133
Jeffrey S. Longacre

The Language of Inquiry, by Lyn Hejinian, 133-136
Lynn Keller

Traditions of Victorian Women’s Autobiography: The Poetics and Politics of Life Writing, by Linda H. Peterson, 137-140
Carol Hanbery MacKay

The Bitch is Back: Wicked Women in Literature, by Sarah Appleton Aguiar, 140-142
Elizabeth McGeachy Mills

Advancing Sisterhood? Interracial Friendships in Contemporary Southern Fiction, by Sharon Monteith, 142-144
Ivy Schweitzer