Bodies on the Move: A Poetics of Home and Diaspora, 189-212
Susan Stanford Friedman
Producing Feminine Virtue: Strategies of Terror in Writings by Madame de Genlis, 213-236
Lesley H. Walker
“Cousins in Love, &c.” in Jane Austen, 237-259
Mary Jean Corbett
“Narrat[ing] Some Poor Little Fable”: Evidence of Bodily Pain in The History of Mary Prince and “Wife-Torutre in England,” 261-281
Janice Schroeder
Conflict and Ambiguity in Victorian Women’s Writing: Eliza Lynn Linton and the Possibilities of Agnosticism, 283-310
Sarah J. Bilston
Lorine Niedecker, Simone de Beauvoir, and the Sexual Ethics of Experience, 311-337
Matthew G. Jenkins
Re-membering Cassandra, or Oedipus Gets Hysterical: Contestatory Madness and Illuminating Magic in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus, 339-369
Jennifer Gustar