From Voice to Persona: Amelia Welby’s Lyric Tradition in Sarah M. B. Piatt’s Early Poetry, 223-246 [abstract]
Susan Grove Hall
(Re)gendering Petrarch: Elizabeth Barret Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese, 247-266 [abstract]
Marianne Van Remoortel
“Presumption” and “Unlearning”: Reading Muriel Rukeyser’s ‘The Book of the Dead’ as a Woman’s American Epic, 267-289 [abstract]
Jenny Goodman
Romance and Revolution: Reading Women’s Narratives of Caribbean Decolonization, 291-306 [abstract]
Kevin Meehan
Transnational, Transcultural Feminisms? Amma Darko’s Response in Beyond the Horizon, 307-322 [abstract]
MaryEllen (Ellie) Higgins
Jewish Gender Trouble: Women Writing Men of Valor, 323-334 [abstract]
Helene Meyers