Introduction, 207-11
Teresa Feroli
A Hammer in Her Hand: The Separation of Church from State and the Early Feminist Writings of Katherine Chidley, 213-233
Katharine Gillespie
Invasions: Prophecy and Bewitchment in the Case of Margaret Muschamp, 235-253
Diane Purkiss
The Fathers’ Seductions: Improper Relations of Desire in Seventeenth-Century Nonconformist Communities, 255-268
Tamsin Spargo
Armchair Politicians: Elections and Representations, 1774, 269-282
Clare Brant
The Anorexic Body of Liberal Feminism: Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 283-303
Ewa Badowska
The Poetics of Politics: Barrett Browning’s Casa Guidi Windows, 305-324
Esther Schor
“We Would Know Again the Fields. . .”: The Rural Poetry of Elizabeth Campbell, Jane Stevenson, and Mary MacPherson, 325-347
Florence Boos
Women and the Book: Assessing the Visual Evidence, edited by Jane H. M. Taylor and Lesley Smith; The Case for Women in Medieval Culture, by Alcuin Blamires; To the Glory of Her Sex: Women’s Roles in the Composition of Medieval Texts, by Joan M. Ferrante, 349-355
Ursula Appelt
Closet Stages: Joanna Baillie and the Theater Theory of British Romantic Women Writers, by Catherine B. Burroughs, 355-357
Hermione de Almeida
Victorian Ghosts in the Noontide: Women Writers and the Supernatural, by Vanessa D. Dickerson, 357-360
Kristin Flieger Samuelian
Elizabeth Gaskell: The Early Years, by John Chapple; Dissembling Fictions: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Victorian Social Text, by Deirdre d’Albertis, 360-362
Elsie B. Michie
Home Fronts: Domesticity and Its Critics in the Antebellum United States, by Lora Romero, 363-364
Laurel Bollinger
Anaïs Nin and the Remaking of Self: Gender, Modernism, and Narrative Identity, by Diane Richard-Allerdyce, 364-366
Heather White
Subject to Negotiation: Reading Feminist Criticism and American Women’s Fictions, by Elaine Neil Orr, 366-367
Kay B. Meyers
Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches, edited by Nancy J. Peterson, 368-370
Richard Hardack
Lesbian Panic: Homoeroticism in Modern British Women’s Fiction, by Patricia Juliana Smith; The Lesbian Menace: Ideology, Identity, and the Representation of Lesbian Life, by Sherrie A. Inness, 371-375
Ann M. Ciasullo
The Diva’s Mouth: Body, Voice, Prima Donna Politics, by Susan J. Leonardi and Rebecca A. Pope, 375-378
D. Britton Gildersleeve