Fall 1995, Vol 14, No. 2

From the Editor, 239-242
Holly Laird


On Not Being La Malinche: Border Negotiations of Gender in Sandra Cisneros’s “Never Marry a Mexican” and “Woman Hollering Creek,243-271
Jean Wyatt

Queering The Yellow Wallpaper? Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Politics of Form, 273-293
Jonathan Crewe

“Oedipal with a Vengeance”: Narrative, Desire, and Violence in Luisa Valenzuela’s “Fourth Version, 295-307
Mary Janell Metzger

The Three Faces of June: Anaïs Nin’s Appropriation of Feminine Writing, 309-324
Lynette Felber

Between Science and the “New Psychology”: An Examination of     H. D.’s Sociohistorical Consciousness, 325-345
Suzanne Young


H. D.’s Majic Ring, 347-362
Helen Sword


The Dialect of Modernism: Race, Language, and Twentieth-Century Literature, by Michael A. North; Bordering on the Body: The Racial Matrix of Modern Fiction and Culture, by Laura Doyle; No Man’s Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century, Volume III: Letters From the Front, by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, 363-369
Ann Ardis

Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olson and Meridel LeSueur, by Constance Coiner; Protest and Possibility in the Writing of Tillie Olsen, by Mara Faulkner, O.S.B., 370-374
Lillian S. Robinson

The Dream and the Dialogue: Adrienne Rich’s Feminist Poetics, by Alice Templeton, 375-376
Suzanne Juhasz

Body and Soul: Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism, by Elizabeth Alvilda Petroff, 376-377
Roberta Davidson

Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie, by Esther S. Cope; Visionary Women: Ecstatic Prophecy in Seventeenth-Century England, by Phyllis Mack, 377-381
Teresa Feroli

Nobody’s Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820, by Catherine Gallagher, 381-383
George Haggerty

Written By Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, 1746-1892, by Frances Smith Foster; Minnie’s Sacrifice, Sowing and Reaping, Trial and Triumph: Three Rediscovered Novels by Frances E. W. Harper, edited by Frances Smith Foster, 384-387
Maryemma Graham and Gina Rossetti

Conversions and Visions in the Writings of African-American Women, by Kimberly Rae Connor, 387-389
Kimberly N. Brown

The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans: George Eliot, Her Letters and Her Fiction, by Rosemarie Bodenheimer, 389-390
Christine L. Krueger

The Christina Rossetti Exhibition, National Portrait Gallery, London, 391-392
Joseph A. Kestner

The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture, by Terry Castle, 392-395
Sharon Marcus

The Practice of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire, by Teresa de Lauretis, 395-397
Paula Bennett