Representing Reality: Women Writers and Institutions, 5-12
Shari Benstock
Feminism and Deconstruction: Re-Constructing the Elegy, 13-27
Celeste M. Schenck
The Mirror and its Reflections: Marguerite de Navarre’s Biblical Feminism, 29-39
Paula Sommers
Louise Michel’s Poetry of Existence and Revolt, 41-61
Charles J. Stivale
Out of the Chrysalis: Female Initiation and Female Authority in Virginia Woolf’s The Voyage Out, 63-90
Christine Froula
Is There Life After Art? The Metaphysics of Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping, 91-109
Joan Kirby
Review Essay
On Black Literary Women and the Evolution of Critical Discourse, 111-123
Claudia Tate
Dorothy Wordsworth, by Robert Gittings and Jo Manton, 125
Donald E. Hayden
Virginia Woolf’s “The Years”: The Evolution of a Novel, by Grace Radin; Virginia Woolf and London: The Sexual Politics of the City, by Susan Merrill Squier, 126-127
Panthea Reid Broughton
Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain, by George Ballard, edited and introduction by Ruth Perry, 127-128
Jeslyn Medoff
The Enclosed Garden: Women and Community in the Evangelical South, 1830-1930, by Jean E. Friedman, 129-130
Susan Millar Williams
Men and Feminism in Modern Literature, by Declan Kiberd, 130-132
Mary O’Toole
Women Writers in McFarlin Library Special Collections, 133-143
Priscilla Dorr
Letter from Jane Marcus, 147