Fall 2015, Vol. 34, No. 2

From the Editor: Remembering Shari Benstock, 223-230 [full preface]
Laura M. Stevens


“Uncommon Sentiments”: Religious Freedom and the Marriage Plot in Charlotte Lennox’s Henrietta, 231-248 [abstract]
Alison Conway

“Shallow” Estates and the “Deep” Wild: The Landscapes of Charlotte Smith’s Fiction, 249-272 [abstract]
Lisa Ottum

Reading the Afterlife of Isabella di Morra’s Poetry, 273-304 [abstract]
Gabriella Scarlatta Eschrich

for Karnak 1923 / from London 1942″: Approaching War in H. D.’s The Walls Do Not Fall, 305-331 [abstract]
Nadine Attewell

Articulating the (Dis)Enchantment of Colonial Modernity: Mei Niang’s Representation of the Predicament of Chinese New Women, 333-353 [abstract]
Xiaoping Wang

“Phyllis McGinley needs no puff”: Gender and Value in Mid-Century American Poetry, 355-378 [abstract]
Jo Gill

Bulgarian Women Write the New European Subject: Emilia Dvorianova’s Zemnite Gradini na Bogorditsa as a Response to Julia Kristeva’s Crisis of the European Subject, 379-401 [abstract]
Margarita Marinova


New Textual Discoveries and Recovered Passages in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland, 403-410
Beth Sutton-Ramspeck


Finding Bliss at McFarlin: The Papers of Eliot Bliss, 411-421
Michela A. Calderaro


Poetic Sisters: Early Eighteenth-Century Women Poets, by Deborah Kennedy, 423-425
Karen Bloom Gevirtz

Sentimental Memorials: Women and the Novel in Literary History, by Melissa Sodeman, 425-428
Peter DeGabriele

British Women Writers and the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1785-1835: Re-Orienting Anglo-India, by Kathryn S. Freeman, 428-430
Andrew Rudd

Fashion Victims: Dress at the Court of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, by Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell, 430-432
Laura Engel

The Romance of the Lyric in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Poetry: Experiments in Form, by Lee Christine O’Brien, 432-434
Patricia Rigg

Second Person Singular: Late Victorian Women Poets and the Bonds of Verse, by Emily Harrington, 434-436
Constance W. Hassett

Between the Novel and the News: The Emergence of American Women’s Writing, by Sari Edelstein. Making Noise, Making News: Suffrage Print Culture and U.S. Modernism, by Mary Chapman, 437-440
Dorri Beam

Panic Fiction: Women and Antebellum Economic Crisis, by Mary Templin, 440-443
Joseph Fichtelberg

Edna Ferber’s America, by Eliza McGraw, 444-445
Lori Harrison-Kahan

A Dark Rose: Love in Eudora Welty’s Stories and Novels, by Sally Wolff, 446-447
Sarah Gilbreath Ford

The Radical Fiction of Ann Petry, by Keith Clark, 448-449
Hazel Arnett Ervin

Confronting Visuality in Multi-Ethnic Women’s Writing, by Angela Laflen, 449-452
Emily M. Hinnov

Ananda Devi: Feminism, Narration, and Polyphony, by Ritu Tyagi, 452-453
Rohini Bannerjee

The Sarashina Diary: A Women’s Life in Eleventh-Century Japan, by Sugawara no Takasue no Musume, transalted from Japanese by Sonja Arntzen and Itō Moriyuki, 453-455
John R. Wallace

Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream, by Kim Hyesoon, translated from Korean by Don Mee Choi, 456-458
Bruce Fulton

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