Articles, Spring 2009, Vol. 28, No. 1

The Letter and the Law, or How Caroline Norton (Re)Wrote Female Subjectivity, 37-55 [abstract]
Nicole Fluhr

Placing the Margins: Literary Reviews, Pedagogical Practices, and the Canon of Victorian Women’s Writing, 57-74 [abstract]
Cheryl A. Wilson

“So Many Useful Women”: The Pseudonymous Poetry of Marjorie Allen Seiffert, 1916-1938, 75-96 [abstract]
Audrey Russek

English Lesbians and Irish Devotion: The Manipulation of Sexual Discourse in Molly Keane’s The Rising Tide, 97-119 [abstract]
Catherine Bacon

“Oh! You Beautiful Doll!”: Icon, Image, and Culture in Works by Alvarez, Cisneros, and Morrison, 121-139 [abstract]
Trinna S. Frever

Intervening in Trauma: Bodies, Violence, and Interpretive Possibilities in Vyvyane Loh’s Breaking the Tongue, 141-163 [abstract]
Sally E. McWilliams

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